The ANOVA table (SS, df, MS, F) in two-way ANOVA

You can interpret the results of two-way ANOVA by looking at the P values, and especially at multiple comparisons. Many scientists ignore the ANOVA table. But if you are curious in the details, this page explains how the ANOVA table is calculated.

Interpreting two-way ANOVA results

I entered data with two rows, three columns, and three side-by-side replicates per cell. No missing values. So 18 values entered in all. Prism file.

I analyzed the data four ways: assuming no repeated measures, assuming repeated measures with matched values stacked, assuming repeated measures with matched values spread across a row, and with repeated measures in both directions. The tables below are color coded to explain these designs. Each color within a table represents one subject. The colors are repeated between tables, but this means nothing.

Powerpoint file

Two-way ANOVA table

Here are the ANOVA tables for the four conditions. These values are all reported by Prism. I rearranged and renamed a bit so the four can be shown on one table (Excel file).

How to report two-way ANOVA results in a table


Focus first on the sum-of-squares (SS) column with no repeated measures:

Now look at the SS columns for the analyses of the same data but with various assumptions about repeated measures.

Degrees of freedom

Now look at the DF values.

Details on how the SS and DF are computed can be found in Maxwell and Delaney (reference below). Table 12.2 on page 576 explains the ANOVA table for repeated measures in both factors. But note they use the term "A x B x S" where we say "Residual". Table 12.16 on page 595 explains the ANOVA table for repeated measures in one factor. They say "B x S/A" where Prism says "residual", and say "S/A" where Prism says "subject".

Mean squares

Each mean square value is computed by dividing a sum-of-squares value by the corresponding degrees of freedom. In other words, for each row in the ANOVA table divide the SS value by the df value to compute the MS value.

F ratio

Each F ratio is computed by dividing the MS value by another MS value. The MS value for the denominator depends on the experimental design.