Learn how to review a manuscript

Peer review is an integral part of science and a valuable contribution to our field. We hope that these resources will be helpful as you consider joining the community of APA reviewers.

Video resources and online tutorials

Check out our free tutorial and video resources on how to review manuscripts submitted to scholarly journals.

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Interactive tutorial: How to review a manuscript (for quantitative research)
An interactive tutorial from the APA Center for Learning and Career Development about the process of reviewing a manuscript of quantitative research.

How to review a qualitative research manuscript

In this video, Dr. Heidi Levitt provides guidance on how to review articles based on qualitative research.

Other reviewer resources

Article from Monitor on Psychology: 10 Key Steps for Would-Be Reviewers (For quantitative research)
How do reviewers approach the manuscript-review process? Here's advice from APA editors.

APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS)
APA Style JARS are a set of guidelines designed for journal authors, reviewers, and editors to enhance scientific rigor in peer-reviewed journal articles. Check out how APA Style JARS can be helpful for you and let us know what you think!

Brief Instructions for Reviewers (PDF, 2.2MB)
This short document provides both the general guidance on the journal review process and specific instructions for using the Editorial Manager system, APA's peer review platform.

Join a Reviewer Mentorship Program
Explore and join reviewer mentorship programs offered by various APA journals.

Peer Review: Regulations, Policies, Other Guidance
Look through this page's compilation of regulations, policies, and other guidance from a selection of research institutions and funding bodies.